Photo Credit: wanderluster (iStock), flags added by OutThere Colorado.

Photo Credit: wanderluster (iStock), flags added by OutThere Colorado.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife shared some dating 'red flags' in honor of Valentine's Day related to the outdoor recreation scene. For example, one that made our team chuckle was "Valentine Red Flag: Has a selfie with a moose," playing on the rule that getting too close to animals is a bad idea and can be illegal in many cases.

In the same vein, here's a list of more 'red flags' when it comes to dating in Colorado:

  1. Refuses to acknowledge that flannel is the most sensible form of clothing
  2. Prefers drinking Bud Light instead of a local craft brew
  3. Still thinks Rocky Mountain Oysters are seafood
  4. Refuses to learn how to correctly pronounce Estes Park, Ouray, and Tabegauche
  5. Always opts to use their days off to sit on the couch
  6. Doesn't follow 'best practices' when it comes to fire safety
  7. Tosses trash off a ski lift
  8. Spends more time on their phone during a hike than enjoying nature
  9. Falls for 'fake spring' in mid-February every year
  10. Blasts music from a speaker while on the trail
  11. Cheers for the Chiefs
  12. Finds a 'ski goggle' tan-line unappealing
  13. Doesn't know the difference between an elk and a deer
  14. Can't drive in the snow, but refuses to get in the right lane while driving slow, too
  15. Isn't prepared for a 30-degree temperature swing throughout a day of hiking
  16. Bashes 'transplants' despite being one themselves
  17. Has an aversion to green chile
  18. Directionally challenged despite the many mountains and other natural landmarks in plain sight
  19. Thinks Chacos are unacceptable footwear for a casual night out
  20. Thinks well-behaved dogs don't belong on brewery patios
  21. Can't name at least one major peak on their local skyline
  22. Can't pitch a tent
  23. Thinks another state is more beautiful than the one they call home

What's another 'red flag' when it comes to dating a Coloradan? Let us know in the comments.

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(5) comments

ZL chick

I could not disagree with WZ more. I am 5th generation Colorado, my kids are 6th. My family has been in Summit County since the 1880s. They never saw a cow or a wheat field or oil or gas yet they could not have been more "Colorado". I think the list is hysterical and used some of those myself when I was dating, especially if they couldn't bother to pronounce the state or some of it's locations correctly.


You forgot a BIG one - Thinking you’re lying when you say your bike cost more than your car.


Entire opinion is useless. Trash article filled with stereotyping. I'm a colorado native, my kids are natives, my grandchildren are natives. All of this list sounds like something someone from Chocago would write. Real Colorado isn't Denver, or Boulder, or vail. It's ranching, sheep, oil gas and coal. It's wheat and corn farmers. Not craft beer funkiest with their skinny jeans and dropping plastic bottles everywhere they roam.


Pronounces it "Colo- RAW -do"

ZL chick

I agree 100%!

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