File photo. Photo Credit: SeanXu (iStock).

File photo. Photo Credit: SeanXu (iStock).

With the spring season approaching, it's time to prepare for one of Colorado's most popular outdoor activities for the warmer months – hiking. However, there are some things to keep in mind when hiking in the spring, as the remnants of winter aren't gone quite yet.

Here are some tips to have a successful spring hike:

1. Check snow and ice conditions

You'll most likely encounter at least some snow and ice on a spring hike, so be ready for it. Be sure to wear proper footwear that will give you enough traction to get through it safely. Trekking poles, crampons, or YakTrax can all be great options.

It's also worth noting that springtime can be a good season to explore less shaded trails, as these will dry out faster.

2. Be prepared for mud

Hiking trails can get very muddy, especially in the spring. Snow melt and rain are the perfect combination to create muddy conditions on the trails. When you do encounter mud, embrace it. Walk directly through it so you don't widen the trail – this is important to prevent erosion on the side of trails. Make sure you have sturdy, waterproof footwear that can help prevent ankle twists and mud getting on your socks.

It's also important to consider skipping muddy trails altogether, as walking through mud as you should can still result in bumps and ruts that take awhile to wear down. Mud is another reason why springtime is a good time to explore less-shaded trails that dry out fast.

3. Be aware of obstacles

Many trees, branches, and other things may have fallen under the weight of heavy snow throughout the winter, so it's important to be aware of those obstacles. Rivers and streams also usually run high in the late spring, so exercise caution when crossing or hiking near them. Even a few inches of water can sweep you off your feet, posing dangerous hazards such as head injuries.

4. Wear the right clothing

Be sure to dress for the weather. Check the weather reports before you head out and bring clothing that will keep you warm, dry, and comfortable. Consider wearing waterproof boots, gaiters (if necessary), and rain gear. It's also worth noting that Colorado weather is notorious for changing rapidly, so pack some warmer clothes, as well.

5. Stay at lower elevations

Hikes at higher elevations can stay snow-covered later into the season, potentially becoming impassable and dangerous. It's better to save those hikes for the summer and stick to mellower trails throughout the spring.

6. Wear sunscreen

As always, wearing sunscreen is a must when participating in outdoor activities. This especially applies to longer hikes when you're exposed to the sun for extended periods.

7. Be aware of wildlife

Spring is an important time for wildlife and many animals are active during the season. Bears emerge from hibernation, elks are calving, and birds are migrating. Respect wildlife if you do encounter them.


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